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Sheffield Island Light A
rowayton/norwalk, ct
A beautiful church type structure, Sheffield Island Light graces the western end of the Norwalk Islands. Together with Greens Ledge Light, they stand as sentinels showing the way to the little harbor town of Rowayton on Five Mile River and the inner channel to the Norwalk River.
The original light was built in 1826 and replaced with the present structure in 1868. It was taken out of service about 1905.
The western tip of Sheffield Island is very treacherous, with shallow water and rocks awash. So, coming from the east and turning the corner of the island to get inside, requires close attention to piloting and giving the island a wide berth. It is well marked!
Incidentally, the northside of Sheffield Island provides a good sheltered anchorage and you may go ashore to visit this beautifu1 old lighthouse.
Sheffield Island Light A Rowayton/Norwalk, CT