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Rose Island Light
Newport, ri
Built in 1870 on Narragansett Bay, just outside Newport Harbor, this beautiful lighthouse remained active for over a hundred years before being abandoned in 1971, when it fell prey to vandals and disrepair.
However, in 1984, the good people of Rhode Island joined together to save this veritable treasure. After nine years of much hard work, Rose Island Lighthouse showed her light once more and is now an official aid to navigation!
Her light is forty-eight feet high and she shows a flashing white light every six seconds. She is fully automated.
When we raced our sailboats in the bay instead of out in Block Island Sound - we often started in front of the lighthouse ... with a friendly audience lining the rails and cheering us on! They were memorable times!
Today, you may visit the light, work in her and even sleep in the same rooms the keepers slept in; but with a great deal more comfort, since the apartments are modernized. Boats from nearby Fort Adams take visitors to the light.
This place is a nature lover's dream. There is an abundance of birds and flowers and the view of the harbor, boat traffic and the many regattas that start "Right outside" is really outstanding!
You won't forget Rose Island Lighthouse.
Rose Island Light Newport, RI