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Point Arena Light A
Point arena, ca
I see beauty and charm in all lighthouses, but Pt. Arena Light rises to another level, joining a group of very special lights surrounded by breathtaking beauty, that just seem to belong where they are! This light sits up on the cliffs in a magnificent setting and justifies why I feel so close to my "Vanishing Castles of America."
Standing tall, one hundred and fifty-five feet above sea level, she shows a flashing white light every fifteen seconds, and is visible to sailors from twenty-five nautical miles offshore. She was built in 1870.
Many lighthouses struggle and survive hurricanes and typhoons, but the earthquake of 1906 destroyed Pt. Arena Light, together with all her buildings. A new tower built of reinforced concrete was erected and she was back on the active list by 1908.
At certain times of the year, migrating Gray whales are visible from the lighthouse and also, quite special: you may actually sleep and vacation in the Keeper's house.
Don't miss this beautiful place!
Point Arena Light A Point Arena, CA