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Greens Ledge Lighthouse B
This popular aid to navigation joins Sheffield Island Light to the east to guide mariners and commercial traffic into the channel leading to the Five Mile River and the quaint harbor town of Rowayton. A major channel on the inside of the Norwalk Islands leads to South Norwalk (and some nice restaurants) and requires close attention to piloting to stay off the rocks. The scenery is great and there are magnificent sunsets to be viewed from this beautiful place.
Greens Ledge lighthouse was built around 1900. She stands sixty-two feet high; flashes red and white lights visible for fourteen miles; and in fog she sounds her great horn to warn sailors of possible danger.
She is located about one mile from shore, due south of Darien and is closed to the public.
This lighthouse is very special to me because I live in Darien and when sailing, I continue to use her lights to return to my home base at night. Our cove has no lights or navigational aids and is loaded with shallows and rocks! Sometimes, we find our way in by listening to the deep rumbling sound of her great foghorn!
A long time ago, just to the west of the lighthouse, there was a buoy that was often used as a starting or turning mark by the many racing sailboat fleets in the area. We participated with our family boats Hustler and Livewire in many of these races, using that mark.
The buoy is gone now, but Greens Ledge Light remains and continues to remind us of some great memories.
Greens Ledge Lighthouse B Rowayton, CT