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Edgartown Light A
Martha’s Vineyard, MA
This is one magnificent place!
This lighthouse guards the entrance to Edgartown Harbor and looks across the channel to Chappaquidick Island. The Harbor View Hotel sits on a bluff overlooking this spot and you can walk or bike down to the light and enjoy a secluded interlude on a quiet beach.
We have such pleasant memories of this light. Each summer we would sail up to Martha’s Vineyard to race in the Edgartown Regatta. We always stayed at the Harbor View and kept our red boat, HUSTLER, down at the end of the dock. Along the path to the lighthouse and the dock, there is a small tidal basin where our kids would catch the most delicious blue crabs.
Amid the scent of honeysuckle, I remember walking into town along the same quaint streets traveled by whaling men; and past the well-kept houses, with their beautiful gardens, colorful flowers and widow’s walks proudly on display. Many homes keep their interior lights on, inviting passersby to chance a glimpse of the inside.
Martha’s Vineyard was a great whaling community and much of the culture reminds you of the town’s interesting history. You won’t easily forget this place!
I’m told that this station was established in 1828. The current lighthouse was built in 1875 for Ipswich, but then was moved to Edgartown in 1939 where she continues as an active and useful aid to navigation.
The tower stands forty-five feet high, flashes a red light every six seconds and can be seen for five miles.
Edgartown Light A Martha’s Vineyard, MA