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Boston Light
Boston Light is the oldest lighthouse in North America.
Located on Little Brewster Island, guarding Boston harbor, this light was built in 1716, while we were still a colony under British rule.
Standing 102 feet above sea level, she flashes an intense white light every ten seconds and can be seen from twenty-seven miles away.
Unfortunately, there have been a large number of wrecks and many lives lost within sight of Boston Light. The treacherous rock formations and even areas that mysteriously block out the sound of the great fog horn present a very dangerous place, especially in fog.
It is to the credit of Boston Light and in particular the keepers of the light, that there were not more wrecks and lives lost. The keepers often displayed uncommon valor attempting the rescue of half-frozen sailors.
I am told that a few times a year the Friends of Boston Harbor organize trips to visit this historic place.
Boston Light Boston, MA